Media Partner


Russian monthly publication.
First released in 1999.
The periodical is issued at the end of every month
Format—A-2.4 pages, black and white print.
Size of circulation—10,000 copies + up to 50,000 copies ordered by Russian Federation insurance companies.

The informational and analytical publication “The Insurance Newspaper” covers the latest events on the insurance market in the Republic of Tatarstan, the Volga Federal District and the Russian Federation as a whole. Articles relating to the activities of insurance companies and future development options on the insurance market are published in the newspaper; one can read information about insurance products and services and final insurance company indices. Even analytical materials and expert answers to reader questions are published; the newspaper is a forum for discussing innovations in the field, legislative initiatives regarding insurance and other issues.

Moreover, “The Insurance Newspaper” covers numerous issues relating to the economy’s insurance sector. We tell readers about happenings in brokerage firms, banks, investment and pension funds, leasing and managing companies and medical institutions.

“The Insurance Newspaper” is a publication for a diverse group of readers.

 By working with us you will acquire not only new potential clients, but also you will be able to network in your field.

“The Insurance Newspaper” puts advertising and ‘image’ articles, special advertisement for companies, takes and publishes interviews with influential businessmen in every issue.  


Address delivery around Kazan:
We are read by: the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the city administration, insurance companies, banks, various firms, medical institutions, pension and PI funds and leasing companies. Additionally, the newspaper is circulated amongst numerous business centers in the city.
One can check out our newspaper in the reading halls at the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Science Library at the Kazan Federal University.

Address Delivery:
Across the Republic of Tatarstan: banks, insurance companies, certain individuals.
Across the Volga Federal District: insurance companies.
Across the Russian Federation: insurance companies, to the All-Russian Insurance Association, the Russian Association of Motor Insurers, the International Union of Marine Insurance, APS and the Federal Service for Financial Markets.

The Newspaper is delivered to the Russian Book Chamber in Moscow

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